On the Occasion of the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy


This is a post related to life today and to the debt we owe to those brave people who served and died in the historic invasion of Normandy, and indeed, in all of World War II.  Today we are reminded of our responsibilities to protect and to defend against ever-present dangers similar to those faced by our world just seventy five years ago, on June 6, 1944.

Today is a special day in the history of the world, and fortunately it is not going to pass by without notice. I have listened today to memorial speeches by world leaders, including our own. I have listened to talk shows on the radio, allowing those who remember, to share memories and recounts of what happened on this day seventy five years ago during the ultimately successful Allied invasion of Europe from the beaches of Normandy, France. A special program of commemoration was aired on TV, showing aerial images of the unbelievable expanse of the rows of crosses in France in one cemetery where almost ten thousand American soldiers and nurses, who died on this day in 1944 on the beaches of Normandy, are buried and still honored. The crosses, one for each man or woman in the military who died on that day, serve as a reminder for the ultimate sacrifice that each of them made in order to prevent the Nazi Third Reich war machine from achieving world domination and rule, which was its goal. Fortunately that goal never became reality. Hitler had ordered that Windsor castle, in England must be spared while he almost daily bombed the city of London using his V2 rockets launched from occupied Europe. It was his plan to rule the world from Windsor castle after his final victory. Today we celebrate the fact that less than one year later, Hitler and his dreams of conquest were both dead, and victory in Europe was achieved (the date in the US was May 8, 1945).

Since that time the US was thrust, almost against its will, onto the world stage. We had fervently hoped to avoid becoming involved in what seemed to be a European problem. However, with the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, we could no longer avoid moving directly into the theater of action and that is what we did. A country which was not really ready for war, and which needed to recover from the Great Depression, and even the devastation of the dust bowl years, found itself challenged to do everything that could be done to stop the Third Reich and the associated Axis powers from ultimately achieving their goal of world domination. This country rose to the challenge and quickly transformed and stepped up its manufacturing and technical capabilities to meet the new demand of fighting a world war when much of the world had already been occupied or was actively under siege and desperately needed our help.

Every American had to sacrifice, if not with life itself, then with the rationing of materials normally available for our livelihood, including food, rubber, steel, fuel, and goods of all kinds, including all of the many items for which the military needs were greater. Without the sacrifices that all were asked to make, the outcome would very likely have been much different and we would all be living in a very different world today than the one we know. It would be a world shaped by the domination of a German dictator intent on producing an “Aryan race” of “pure” Germanic blood to inherit the earth. Would you be here, would I be here? No one can say, but we know that we were assured the right to be here and to be free to pursue our dreams by the sacrifice of the many who died, and whose blood, sacrifice, and valor bought the victory that saved us and our future generations from what would have come. Since that time, we have faced other challenges and we have always risen to meet the call to preserve our freedoms and the life that we know today.

A point needs to be made, however, lest we become complacent and believe that it can never happen again, for surely it can. Today it would be difficult for any nation to overcome the might of the US military in order to achieve domination over this country. However, do not believe that the effort is not being made. It is, and has long been in preparation for doing exactly that (the domination of this country). The US is the plum and the prize, for the forces who plan to gain all that you have for their own possession. This plan includes goals of destruction of your rights and freedoms as insured by our Constitution, the only living basis for law of its kind in this world. If you lose it then you lose all that you now enjoy and it is very unlikely that you could ever regain it without sacrifice well beyond what was required in World War II.

We have seen the forces of destruction of this country infiltrate our government, our schools, our courts of law, and our media in an attempt to bring about a silent coup in which not a single shot might be fired, but in which you will lose everything that you have inherited, and that your forefathers, including those who died on the beaches of Normandy and in the battlegrounds of Europe and the Pacific theater in World War II, fought to protect, All of these paid whatever price was demanded of them to prevent this loss from becoming reality.

We have now come very close to this very loss happening, not as a result of a major military action which would surely be far beyond what we witnessed in World War II, but rather as the outcome of something as simple as voting. Yes, voting is a primary key today to preserving this great country and all that it stands for. The forces who would take your country, and all that it stands for, away from you, are in place and prepared to finish the coup by simply promising you anything that they think will buy your vote, or empowering those to vote who are not entitled to vote as citizens. Once power is secured at the ballot box by those who would take your heritage from you, by gaining domination of your Federal Government, then your treasury, natural resources, and your military will also be in their hands, to do with what they please. There will be little, if anything you will ever be able to do about it, given the enormous odds against you, if it happens.

Today, we are reminded of our long and proud heritage and what it means to all of us, and how it has been preserved over the few centuries of our existence as a country. The future is in your hands as citizens of this great and singular country that has brought the salvation of so many who have benefited, but at the cost of so many who have died for you and the protection of your laws and freedoms. Though we enjoy the benefits of these great gifts today, we must all be aware that freedom is not free, and voting wisely is more than a privilege, it is a responsibility. If you want to change the world and to preserve the laws and freedoms that you enjoy, it costs only that you understand what you have inherited and what you must do to preserve it. You don’t have to die today to do that, as many have done in the past, but if you fail, then even the highest sacrifice may not serve to preserve what you and all who follow you will stand to lose.

Accept your responsibility as a voting citizen of this great country and rise to the challenge that faces you now in every election. Use your power as a citizen of this country, for the Constitution guarantees that this power is in your hands, and not in the hands of any government or foreign agent. If you are a US citizen and care for the future of your country and of your progeny, then do what you must do, and remove all who stand in the way of greatness for this country, and vote the power, which you alone possess, into the care of servants to represent you, who will truly serve with honor and fidelity to protect and to defend this great country, for there may likely never be another like it, if you fail.

In the immortal words of John F. Kennedy, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask instead what you can do for your country”. May God bless and defend this great nation, but always be mindful that His work is and must be done by ordinary people like you and me.