
This poem is from memories of younger days
when the colors of autumn blaze
and summer fields of green
stand shorn and pristine
while shorter days grow cool
and the harvest moon ebbs full

Then one last time we unbridle our mares
and turn our thoughts to the harvest fairs…

The Harvest Fair

In this time of the year
when apples are here
and pumpkins will soon appear
I see the trees of golden hue
stretched under a sky of blue

There blows a breeze
that scatters leaves
They scramble to and fro
and on the sill,
first frost will appear
and ‘ere long we’ll see first snow

But now in the air
float the sounds and scents of a harvest fair,
a wonder to behold
Tables filled with fresh-baked pies
and cider served icy cold

And soon the Fall season will be in full bloom
and bring us new delights
Of pies and ales and the harvest moon
and cooler days and nights

But for now I love the sights and sounds
in the tents of the harvest fair
and the old German band
that fills the air
with oom-pahs from the stand
and dancers in bright costumes galore
whirl joyfully ‘round the floor

Yes autumn will be a time
to rest and give thanks
for a year that will soon be past
But the memory I’ll love
the most to share
will be of the harvest fair


The following is a dedication to this blog:

A World of Possibilities

In this world there are many things to contemplate
Events of the past which still we revere
And things of the future which are yet to appear
And then there are children and animals and affairs of the heart
And wanderings of the mind in a universe apart
All give light to our beings like the stars above
But none shine more brightly than the things we love

Let this be a journey of insight and seeking
Of thoughts and ideas and visions revealing
Let no thoughts be barred from our own inspection
And let none hide unseen without reflection
On all that is good and to be shared by all
Of what has been and what might be
If only we unleash our minds to see

A future will be, with no effort of our own,
Controlled by the unknown gyres of destiny
But those who think and those who act
Become the masters of their fate
And shape the future in their mold
For nothing there is that cannot be
If only we release our minds to see


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